Tuesday 15 May 2018

Planning - Initial Flatplans

These flatplans demonstrate the thought process and initial ideas I had when planing my print front covers. I felt the name LUXE connotes luxury and elegance and being French sophisticated whilst following the generic conventions of magazines having foreign lexis e.g. Elle. 

I wish for one of my front covers to be a natural edition featuring the idea of natural beauty and covering ideas such as; healthy living and Veganism. 

I want my second issue to revolve around idols from past eras I am currently researching eras that of an interest to me such as; the 80s.

Whilst creating my flat plan DPS I tried to think about issues that would appeal the target audience of teenagers/young adults who are culturally sophisticated. I also wish to include intertextuality which in turn gratifies the audience. For example; Chanel. 

Final Product- Print 1 - 80s Edition